Practical AI: The Capacity for Good

Practical AI: The Capacity for Good

by Capacity

Practical AI: The Capacity for Good, is a podcast that explores the positive side of artificial intelligence. We speak with thought leaders about the intersection of AI automation, customer support, and customer experience. We dive into real-life stories of how AI has improved people's lives. Join us as we explore the many ways in which AI can be a force for good and hear from those who are using it to make a positive impact on the world.
James Diel
Chief Business Development Officer at Capacity

“When wielded with care, AI offers more than efficiency. It offers the chance to truly understand and serve the customer.”

I listen to a lot of podcasts, but this interview was one of the best I’ve heard. The host was gracious, well-informed, and able to ask probing questions. The guest, Ian Golding, was amazingly articulate and extremely interesting. I learned so much!
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