No BS Cybersecurity by Cyft

No BS Cybersecurity

by Cyft

Join James Farrow, the voice of, as he explores the brightest minds in cybersecurity. Each week, he embarks on a deep dive into often-overlooked topics with industry experts. On this journey, you'll be exposed to game-changing insights, all designed to help you fortify your business and grow your career. Thanks for tuning in.
James Farrow
Co-Founder of Cyft

“I talked to SMBs and startup founders, and they're like, I don't even know where to start. They've never even heard the acronym MSSP or VC. And so as they're raising funds in the startup world, they're saying, Hey, we just closed a $7 million big seed round, and we need to start thinking about cybersecurity. They hop on Google, and it's overwhelming."

Every business owner should listen to this
lhgdgj on 2023/11/28 from United Kingdom
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