Fame Podcast Host

James Farrow
“I talked to SMBs and startup founders, and they're like, I don't even know where to start. They've never even heard the acronym MSSP or VC. And so as they're raising funds in the startup world, they're saying, Hey, we just closed a $7 million big seed round, and we need to start thinking about cybersecurity. They hop on Google, and it's overwhelming."

James Farrow is a cybersecurity enthusiast on a mission to reimagine the cybersecurity buyer’s journey. He is currently Co-Founder and CEO at Cyft, an AI-powered data company transforming the way businesses discover and connect with cybersecurity partners.

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Prior to founding Cyft, James was GTM at Adlumin, following a stint as GTM at Arctic Wolf, where he achieved the all-time ARR record.

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James is also the host of the No BS Cybersecurity Podcast, where he interviews different cybersecurity experts about the often-overlooked topics in the sector.

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Ask me

  • 1

    What’s one common misconception about cybersecurity you would like to quash?

  • 2

    How is Cyft transforming the way businesses discover and connect with cybersecurity partners?

  • 3

    How has your experience at Adlumin and Arctic Wolf influenced your approach to Cyft?

  • 4

    What’s been the most surprising thing you have learned from a guest on the No BS Cybersecurity Podcast?

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