Fame Podcast Host

Robert Cireddu
“By streamlining and simplifying the district’s IT system, we were able to reduce headaches, increase reliability, and save them money. Now, IT is delivering for the teachers, staff, and, most importantly, the students.”

Bob and his team have taken decades' worth of experience in both network management and project management in the K-12 space and created a pragmatic system to serve both the school and the students. Every project they execute is managed down to the last detail to execute the work in an efficient and cost-effective manner.

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Bob is the co-host of Learning Through Technology, a podcast focused on highlighting real-world examples of success in EdTech as the greatest minds in education show you how the application of technology in the space drives a positive impact for both students and educators.

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Ask me

  • 1

    What does an EdTech company do?

  • 2

    How can EdTech bridge the gap between education and technology?

  • 3

    What are the challenges in implementing EdTech in the school system?

  • 4

    How do EdTech companies help educators and teachers?

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This podcast host has been trained by our team of podcast ninjas. They know how to transform a podcast interview into an addictive piece of audio....