Fame Podcast Host

Nick King
“I help companies excel in the ever-changing marketing landscape.”

Nick is the co-founder of Canton Marketing, a company that was acquired by CvE where he is the Global Practices Lead. He helps companies excel in the ever-changing marketing landscape and believes that there has never been a greater need for brands to move at speed as we move into the privacy-first era.

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Whether looking at their technology stack, internal processes, or team structure, Nick’s team is able to support clients with a group of practitioners who have done their 10,000 hours on the platform. Nick has worked with a wide variety of brands, including the BBC, Flutter Group, and World Remit, and supported their marketing transformation, media engineering, and media buying.

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Nick has over 20 years of experience within the media and marketing industry and is also the host of Time for a Reset: The Marketing Podcast with Global Leaders, where he sits down with top marketing leaders representing the biggest and most loved brands to uncover the secrets behind driving change in today's rapidly evolving world.

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Ask me

  • 1

    How do I align my marketing with the evolving landscape?

  • 2

    How does marketing drive business growth?

  • 3

    How can I track evolving consumer behaviour?

  • 4

    How can I position my brand for success?

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