Fame Podcast Host

Melissa Perri
“Product management is not just about building great products; it's about building a great product organization by improving the systems that enable success.”

Melissa Perri is a highly accomplished product management leader with over a decade of experience building successful product organizations. Her expertise lies in collaborating with top-level executives to devise and execute company and product strategies while nurturing the growth of product managers at every level of expertise.

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As the Founder and CEO of Produx Labs, Melissa has also taken on the role of Lead Instructor for the Product Institute and CPO Accelerator. She is a revered Senior Lecturer at Harvard Business School and an Advisor for various startups such as Dragonboat and Labster.

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In addition to her impressive portfolio, Melissa also hosts the Product Thinking podcast, where she brings in industry experts to address the most pressing questions related to product management. Her wealth of experience and knowledge makes her a valuable resource for anyone seeking guidance in this field.

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Ask me

  • 1

    How do you approach product strategy and ensure it aligns with the overall company strategy?

  • 2

    What have you found to be the most critical factors for success in building successful product organizations?

  • 3

    How do you balance the need to focus on building great products with the need to develop the people, processes, and systems that support product success?

  • 4

    What advice do you have for aspiring product managers on developing their leadership skills?

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