Fame Podcast Host

Kate Adams
“I specialize in building a high ROI around marketing, including thought leadership, market positioning, and lead generation campaigns”.

Kate Adams is the Vice President of Marketing at Burkland. Kate has over 20 years of marketing experience and has built and managed the marketing function at several startups.

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Kate began her career at brand heavyweights Franklin Resources, Visa, and United Business Media, learning marketing fundamentals. Kate builds a high ROI around marketing, including thought leadership, market positioning, and lead generation campaigns.

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Kate is the host of Burkland's podcast, Startup Success. She is also the Editor of the Smarter Startup blog, and is involved with industry conferences, podcasts, and events as a marketing speaker!

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Ask me

  • 1

    What are some common traits of successful startups?

  • 2

    What are the different fundraising options for a startup?

  • 3

    How can a startup ensure product market fit?

  • 4

    What are some key technologies to adopt while scaling a startup?

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