Fame Podcast Host

Justin Lane
“While there is a lot of content out there on sales compensation and its impact on sales and margins, there’s virtually nothing on in-depth, data-driven conversations and actionable insights to drive your business forward in any economic environment.”

Justin Lane is the VP of Professional Services at Forma.ai. He has over fifteen years of experience in sales compensation strategies, and he offers actionable and data-driven insights on sales compensation planning.

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Justin loves working with clients and enjoys delivering best practices around automated and optimized sales compensation plans to provide top-line growth and cost rationalization.

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Justin hosts the Sales Compensation Show podcast, where he invites topical leaders to discuss different elements of sales compensation from design to delivery, and shares data-driven and actionable insights.

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Ask me

  • 1

    How can enterprises manage sales compensation at scale?

  • 2

    Can you tell us more about the transition from ICM to SPM in sales compensation?

  • 3

    How is the sales cycle evolving today?

  • 4

    How can I simplify and streamline my sales compensation process?

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