Fame Podcast Host

Christopher Kellner
“Your eCommerce success relies on your ability to deliver the best experience for your buyers... learn how to do it right.”

Christopher is the Global VP of Sales and Partnerships at DigitalGenius, a CX platform for e-commerce.

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Chris is a highly experienced commercial leader, focused on selling SaaS to enterprises, focusing on taking pre-launch technology start-ups to revenue-selling emerging technologies.

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Christopher hosts The eCommerce Customer Experience Podcast, where he leads actionable and insightful conversations with the brightest minds at the intersection of eCommerce and customer experience.

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Ask me

  • 1

    How can I provide a best-in-class eCommerce Customer Experience?

  • 2

    What strategies could help me improve the Customer Experience for my clients?

  • 3

    What metrics should I track and measure for eCommerce Customer Experience?

  • 4

    What is your approach toward ensuring a successful eCommerce Customer Experience?

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