Fame Podcast Host

Adam Powadiuk
"The better the project does, the better the outcome. The greater the return for the person taking the most risk in the investment in the first place."

Adam began his journey into commercial real estate in 2010, joining First National Financial in 2012, where he helps the investment community access CMHC-insured and conventional mortgage financing for various asset classes. However, his passion for the industry was ignited much earlier.

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Being raised in a real estate family, Adam's childhood was filled with explorations of land parcels and tours of buildings. This early exposure strengthened his belief in real estate as a viable career path and a medium for making a meaningful and positive impact on people's lives.

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Adam is a Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM), which showcases his proficiency in commercial investment real estate analysis, market research, and negotiation. He previously served as President of the CCIM Central Canada Chapter.

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Ask me

  • 1

    What are some unique challenges and opportunities in the Canadian market compared to other global markets?

  • 2

    In what ways has technology, especially AI and automation, impacted the commercial real estate sector in Canada?

  • 3

    What can we expect from the future of the commercial real estate market in Canada?

  • 4

    Are there any particular projects or companies that stand out as innovators in integrating AI into their real estate practices?

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