Fame Podcast Host

Aaron Cameron
"All of our leaders today across all of the real estate, they all had that 1990s experience, which is great. It prepared you for protecting yourself, and not getting too far over your skis."

Aaron embarked on his career in the Canadian commercial real estate sector with First National Financial in 2008. His journey to the role of Assistant Vice President of Commercial Operations was marked by a full experience in every department of First National's commercial division.

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Aaron views commercial real estate as a dynamic field where economic factors and relationships continuously interact and evolve. Aaron believes his exposure to all asset classes, deal types, products, and precedents gives him a unique perspective as a lender.

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As the co-host of The Commercial Real Estate Podcast, Aaron provides a platform for real estate leaders to share their experiences and stories about how these two domains intersect.

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Ask me

  • 1

    What are some unique challenges and opportunities in the Canadian market compared to other global markets?

  • 2

    In what ways has technology, especially AI and automation, impacted the commercial real estate sector in Canada?

  • 3

    What can we expect from the future of the commercial real estate market in Canada?

  • 4

    Are there any particular projects or companies that stand out as innovators in integrating AI into their real estate practices?

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