Inspiring Tomorrow's Finance Leaders: Inside Investing in Integrity

5 Star
Reviews on Apple Podcasts
2.7 x increase
In followers within 1 month

Scholars of Finance came to Fame seeking to establish their current podcast, Investing in Integrity, as a thought leader amongst the finance community, to inspire character and integrity in the finance leaders of tomorrow. Investing in Integrity is a compilation of conversations and interviews with leading minds in finance that will help you learn how you can make finance a force for good.

Investing in Integrity had been up and running for two years before joining forces with us here at Fame. After an initial assessment, it was clear the podcast was already on the road to success with a knowledgeable and respected Host in Ross Overline and an empowering and important message for early career finance professionals. So, we knew that it was mostly a matter of fine-tuning the podcast over time by perfecting audio production and promoting it to their target audience which would launch the podcast to new heights.

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Before starting with Fame, the podcast’s demographic was skewed towards 18-22 years old, and a large goal for the podcast was to better target 23-34-year-olds, namely early career professionals. To date, we have helped refine this demographic and moved the 23-34-year-old demographic from 34.6% to 46.2% of the overall audience.

The Investing In Integrity podcast has seen outstanding growth in the months since its joined with Fame, experiencing a 2.7 x increase in followers from month 1 to month 2. The show is beloved by its followers, showcasing unanimous 5-star reviews on Apple Podcasts.

To continue to advance the Scholars Of Finance brand, we will continue to leverage social media and other channels, showcasing high-level guests on the show, and exploring the most interesting topics within the space, focusing on educating and actioning integrity in finance for the finance leaders of tomorrow.

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“The service has been great, especially since Rachel joined. Rachel and Simone are really on top of things, always quick to respond and solve problems. They also bring good ideas and take initiative. Andy, our audio editor, has been consistently doing a great job with each episode. He pays close attention to detail and improves the audio quality effectively. His creative solutions also help enhance the production. Overall, we’re satisfied with the service and want to thank the whole team for their hard work.”

Andrea Cabrera Aranda

“The service has been great, especially since Rachel joined. Rachel and Simone are really on top of things, always quick to respond and solve problems. They also bring good ideas and take initiative. Andy, our audio editor, has been consistently doing a great job with each episode. He pays close attention to detail and improves the audio quality effectively. His creative solutions also help enhance the production. Overall, we’re satisfied with the service and want to thank the whole team for their hard work.”

Andrea Cabrera Aranda