Fame Podcast Host

Jon Shanks
“All organisations should be able to capitalise on the value of the cloud and containers without needing large specialist teams, long delivery timescales, and increased security risk”

Jon is the CEO & founder at Appvia, a cloud-native platform for enabling Dev and Ops teams while supporting organisations to securely deliver at scale using Kubernetes.

Starting his career at an internet service provider in the early 2000s, he helped businesses adopt hosting and internet solutions to get their applications to customers quickly. Later, he worked at Betfair and NYSE, where he focused on automating application delivery and reducing complexity, eventually leading him to the Home Office to create a central platform engineering team around containers and Kubernetes.

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Now, at Appvia, Jon focuses on simplifying cloud adoption with Kubernetes and empowering developers with self-service and guardrails.

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Ask me

  • 1

    How do you retain talents?

  • 2

    What are the different layers that define cloud architecture?

  • 3

    How can large-scale cloud computing be carried on?

  • 4

    Where do you see cloud computing in the next ten years?

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