Fame Podcast Host

Chris Lavery
“The 2050 Net Zero is not just a goal but a journey. And we're all in this together.”

Chris Lavery is the Director of Programme Management at RPS, a leading global professional services firm of 5,000 consultants and service providers.

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Chris has over twenty years of experience at the Board and Executive level, including holding positions as Regional Director, Partner and Managing Director for several private sectors’ joint ventures.

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As the host of Building Sustainably: The Road to Net Zero, Chris explores real-life case studies and provides actionable advice on net zero projects and programs.

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Ask me

  • 1

    What does Net Zero mean?

  • 2

    How can we build a Net Zero world?

  • 3

    What do innovation and technology have to do with building sustainably?

  • 4

    How do you define, design, and manage net zero projects and programs to meet the 2050 Net Zero target?

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